Saturday, February 2, 2008

My Wheel had a Baby

Look what my sweet husband and daughter gave me for my birthday! It's the stool that matches my Kromski Minstrel Wheel. I love it very much. First, I didn't think I wanted this because of comfort. Just doesn't look comfortable at all. And second, I thought my big ol' butt would hang all down the sides and back. I am pleasantly surprised that it is very comfortable. But the main reason I love it so much is that it sits me up high enough where I can actually see my bobbin where all the other chairs I tried didn't. I think I'll keep it.


Bubblesknits said...

I have to admit, I had wondered how comfortable those were. I'll have to give yours a sit the next time I see you. ;-) That was a really sweet gift!

Anonymous said...

It's so cute! But you really never would suspect that it was comfortable.

Crazy For Yarn In Alabama said...

I can't wait to give it a "test sit"!!! Whew...glad you can now see your bobbin!!! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!! enjoy your seat

Bibby said...

Ooooh, I love it!!! What a wonderful bum holder....